Join our four-week group-based course for professionals who want to raise their personal profile, become thought leaders and attract opportunities on autopilot

The secret of accelerating your position as a thought leader, creating your brand awareness and building trust at scale is by sharing your thoughts and insights daily.

Stop Overthinking.

Join the Movement

As a professional,. are you where you want to be? Do you want to advance faster? Do you want to be headhunted for unadvertised positions or being approached by ideal clients or speaking opportunities? 

How many people do you know who are lifers at a company these days? Are you staying visible and relevant to the outside world? Are others outside your team aware of the powerful contributions you can make?

The Secret

The secret of staying relevant and visible is by becoming a strong brand and positioning as a thought leader.

The way to do that is by sharing your thoughts and insights every day.

Best Return on Investment

A professional though leadership brand offers best in class returns on investment. Once built, it is free marketing like none other that keeps giving year after year.

Your brand belongs to YOU. When you move jobs, you carry your brand and followers with you, giving you a great negotiating leverage.

Meet Aseem Quereshi – former investment banker, now a startup founder. He is currently based and worked as an investment banker in London. A few years ago, he moved to Malaysia and became a founder.  In 2017, he joined Quora and started writing something every day. Within 2 years, his posts had been viewed 100 million times, and he had 122,000 followers on Quora.

In 2019, he decided to start writing on LinkedIn, the professional networking site. Today, he had 220,000 followers. His posts often get 1000s of engagements. He is firmly positioned as a brand and thought leader in his space. His clients include some of the largest companies in the world.

His secret – he writes every day, and his posts are engaging and insightful. 

Rajan Singh – He is a former Indian police officer, a former consultant and now runs a startup. In 2019, he started writing on LinkedIn every day. His posts and short but engaging. Today, he has 120,00 followers on LinkedIn alone. Every post he writes attracts hundreds of engagements. He is firmly positioned as a thought leader and his business is flourishing.

Charlotte Johnson – soon after graduation with a degree, she joined a company in London as a sales development representative ((SDR). Her role is to reach out to new prospects to initiate a sales conversation – a mostly stressful job driven by sales quotas and high staff turnover. But Charlotte has thrived. Her secret? She writes something every day about how to become a great SDR..Within a year of daily posting, she has already attracted a following of 14,000 sales professionals from around the world . This has increased her visibility in the industry. Being the “owner” of her profile, brand and positioning as a thought leader, she is in a great position and in control of her career.

Benefits of being a thought leader

  1. Quickly expand your reach online
  2. Stand out and be known for something.
  3. Future Proof your position as a leader
  4. Raise prices and gain massive leverage for being “the brand”
  5. Attract ideal clients – saving marketing costs and shortening the sales cycle
  6. Increase word of mouth and referrals
  7. Raise your profile and earn the respect (and envy) of peers and competitors, expand your network and attract unadvertised opportunities.
  • You’ll expect these benefits – 
  • Increased visibility and name recognition
  • Attract ideal connections
  • Recruiters or competitors reaching out to you
  • Attract speaking or networking opportunities
  • Attract ideal clients
  • Shortened sales cycle and higher close ratio
  • Scalable Growth

Though leadership in 4 weeks

What happens in the course

1) Eight interactive sessions – learn how to raise your profile, build a personal brand and become a thought leader by sharing your thoughts and insights every day.

2) Deep dive on tools and strategies –

3) Private Slack channels for the whole group – Ask questions, share wins and recommends resources in a lively ongoing conversation.

4) Weekly meetups for connections and community – Join your fellow brand builders from around the globe for weekly co-working sessions and meet-ups. Establish connections, make friends for life.

The course will offer tactical, actionable steps to making your ideas a reality. Along the way, you will be challenged to use immediately what you’re learning. Because leaders don’t learn, then start. We start then learn.

How it works

The Schedule (Sept 1 – Sept 30)

Week 0 – strategic action plan. Best content. How to measure success, intro to your cohort buddy. And all the tools we will be using (Slack, Zoom and email).
Implementation rhythm
Week 1 –
Week 2 –
Week 3 –
Week 4 –

At the end of the course, you will have 30 pieces of content published online. You have also entered into the writing rhythm of posting every day.

If you continue this rhythm, by the end of year 1, you will be [at here]. By year 2, you will be [here] and wondering what stopped you from starting in the first place.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.

There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself that Providence moves, too.

Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

Begin it now.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Stop overthinking.

Here is why most people struggle with their brand or their positioning as a thought leader in their industry…


  1. They are perfectionists
  2. They procrastinate
  3. They worry too much about others’ views
  4. They think they are not good enough or experienced enough
  5. They are easily distracted
  6. They struggle with generating ideas
  7. They struggle with self-confidence
  8. They haven’t developed a system or rhythm
  9. They struggle with imposter syndrome
  10. And so on…

The good news is, we created the Thought Leadership Website to address every single one of these issues.


In 30 days, you would have posted 30 writings. This should be the beginning of a great habit. If you continue this for 1 year, you should get to [abc]. Continue this for 2 years and you should have 1000s of followers reading and engaging with your posts every day, firmly positioning you as a t thought leader.

But you must begin. Now.

Not tomorrow. Not another day. Iit is really that simple

“Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

Begin it now”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Building your brand should never be left to chance

There are 3 steps to it.
Rhythm – you must post something every day
Scorecard – your content must be engaging and thoughtful or insightful
Accountability – habits are hard to form – at least initially. That is why you need an accountability partner with shared goals. You will be cheering each other, sharing feedback and holding each other accountable for writing their piece every day.

Our group is global in reach and it is possible that you might make some friends for life.

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