Professionals – Join our group-based course to learn how to find a dream job in an organisation of your dreams
Here is the well-kept ugly secret of the job market – 90% of senior jobs are never advertised. They often go to people via referrals or recommendations.
And the real secret of getting those jobs is by taking the inside track.
Stop Overthinking.
Are you a job seeker?
If you have not been successful in finding the job of your dreams, then you are probably thinking –
- Those jobs are not being advertised yet
- There is too much competition
- You have been unlucky
- Your network isn’t large enough
… and so on
Although some of this may be correct, have you considered this?
- 80-90% jobs are never advertised.
- You never show up in search results.
- Majority of jobs are filled via referrals or recommendations.
- The jobs that appear on job boards attract too many applications.
- When you apply for a job, your CV is “read” by the AI bots who reject most applications automatically, before a human eye ever sees them.
These are the facts. And that is the one of the primary reasons why your job search efforts do not yield results – despite your qualifications or experience.
So, how do you succeed in getting the job of your dreams?
There are a few things you can do…
- Get to know as many people in your dream organisations, specifically the ones who can influence the hiring process.
- Convince them that you are a perfect candidate.
- Then, when a suitable job opportunity comes up, just hope that they’ll think of you and put a nice word in.
That is a lot of work, without any guarantee of success.
So, what’s the solution?
We have a training program designed for people like you
It teaches you
- How to get your dream job in the organisation of your dreams.
- How to bypass the traditional job search methods and go straight to the source
- How to get to know people inside the organisation and persuade or convince them of your suitability
- How to create a persona and personal brand that lives with you forever
The result? You get referred internally, even recommended to the “unadvertised” job. You start negotiating the package, while others are still searching and uploading their CVs to the job sites.
Who am I?
I am an entrepreneur and an ex-corporate with more than 30 years of experience. I have spent 20 years in the corporate world hiring professionals for my teams, and the last 14 years running my own business hiring professionals.
Recently, I took on the challenge to help the members of my close family and friends find a job of their dreams. In the process, I researched, consulted with head-hunters, experienced HR managers and some friends in industry. I learnt the 20% that works and the 80% that doesn’t (80-20 rule or Pareto Principle).
This led me to develop a system. And I am ready to teach that system to you.
Why am I doing this?
How does it work?
It is a 6-week program. I’ll take you through the exact steps how to tap into the non-advertised job market.
You will learn how to identify and approach people who have an influence on the hiring process.
You’ll learn how to “convince” and “persuade” them about your strengths and capabilities for your dream job.
You’ll learn how to “make them” them recommend you to the job when an opening comes up. Remember, they have influence on the hiring process. So, when they refer you to the job, guess what happens? Your odds of success become very high.
You don’t need to take any time off work
Whatever I teach you can be done even if you currently have a demanding job or other responsibilities.
Basically, if you have a couple of hours a week, you are good to go. However, if you can’t find a couple of hours per week, don’t sign up. Because that way you will be taking up the space of someone more deserving.
In other words, it requires some work… but not a lot. It is achievable even if you lead a busy life.
Now, you might be wondering…
What is the cost?
It is completely FREE.
The program works (even though it is a beta launch). I know this because it has worked for people I know intimately. And it’ll work for you too… as long as you do the work (which isn’t much).
What do I get by giving it away for free?
It gives me the opportunity to refine the process further. Secondly, your success will be the proof enough that it works for anybody, even people outside my personal circle.
Your success will also prove the program’s viability. It also means I can help a lot more people with a greater confidence.
So, your success is super-important to me. And I am going to do everything within my power to mentor you until you succeed in getting your dream job. .
So, what would we be covering in this program?
(these are my initial thoughts, but how quickly you progress with your job search will act as the feedback loop)
The course will be delivered live via Zoom. I’ll deliver the training, then take questions. There will be some work for you to do during the week.
Week 1 Overview and getting the mindset right
Week 2 Branding (putting pieces in place – part 1)
Week 3 Branding (putting pieces in place – part 2)
Week 4 Identifying dream organisations and ideal contacts
Week 5 Contacting and persuading your ideal contacts
Week 6 Interview training and salary negotiations
There is no training module for “searching the job”. It is because we are NOT going to search for the “live” job. We are going after the huge unadvertised job market by taking the guerrilla approach, leaving small number of advertised jobs to the majority of job seekers.
Why this approach works?
If you know a hiring manager, then you probably know this – most managers would rather hire a ‘good enough’ candidate quickly rather than the ‘perfect candidate’ later.
I know this to be true because every time I needed someone to fill a position, I not only wanted that person fast, I also wanted someone reliable, so I preferred someone to come through a recommendation.
But it didn’t mean that person had to incompetent – far from it. He or she just had to be “good enough” because I knew that I had little chance of finding a perfect candidate.
So, I asked around my colleagues and peers for a referral or recommendation. And when someone referred a candidate, I not only felt a sense of gratitude towards the colleague, [my hiring due-diligence process] was also lower simply because the candidate was ‘recommended’.
Majority of hiring managers feel the exact same way. They just don’t want to be sifting through dozens (and in some cases hundreds) of resumes, then conducting interviews. Hiring is a time-consuming process.
So, with our process…
We are going to tap into that psychology… by finding a “referrer/s” within your dream organisation/s. Then we’ll utilise the latest psychological research on benign persuasion to land a job.
Are you getting it?
Now, the question is – are you in?
Now, let me be honest… you’ll have to do some work. It should be no more than a couple of hours per week. If you can’t commit to that, this program is not for you.
Secondly, if your dream job requires specific credentials or training (like medicine or scientific research) and you don’t have it then this program is not for you.
However, if you are naturally shy or introvert… or lack the time to look for a new job (which can be a full-time job by itself) then sign up fast because this training is for you.
And if you are already so frustrated with your job search efforts due to repeated rejections, then this approach will feel like a breeze of fresh air. So, reserve your place now.
What this program is not?
This program is not about cold calling or standing outside your dream employer’s office with a placard begging for a job… nothing like that.
This is a professional job search – which combines modern methodologies with the techniques of traditional head-hunters. It is usually a very pleasant experience for you (the candidate) and others within your dream organisations.
And learning this isn’t going to cost you anything either. So, relax!
When you learn this process, you’ll probably be using it again every time you need another. It will become almost a life skill – like swimming or driving. Do you see the potential?
Please register your interest below.
I am looking for a small number of self-motivated people. I can’t have too many people on the program simply because I’ll be personally mentoring you and that can be time consuming.
We have limited number of slots for this free training. Once they are gone, they are gone. So, sign up now and I’ll contact you soon.
I look forward to making a real difference in your career.
Join the Movement
How many people do you know who are lifers at a company these days? Are you staying visible and relevant to the outside world? Are others outside your team aware of the powerful contributions you can make?
The Secret
The secret of staying relevant and visible is by becoming a strong brand and positioning as a thought leader.
The way to do that is by sharing your thoughts and insights every day.
In 2019, he decided to start writing on LinkedIn, the professional networking site. Today, he had 220,000 followers. His posts often get 1000s of engagements. He is firmly positioned as a brand and thought leader in his space. His clients include some of the largest companies in the world.
His secret – he writes every day, and his posts are engaging and insightful.
Benefits of being a thought leader
- Quickly expand your reach online
- Stand out and be known for something.
- Future Proof your position as a leader
- Raise prices and gain massive leverage for being “the brand”
- Attract ideal clients – saving marketing costs and shortening the sales cycle
- Increase word of mouth and referrals
- Raise your profile and earn the respect (and envy) of peers and competitors, expand your network and attract unadvertised opportunities.
- You’ll expect these benefits –
- Increased visibility and name recognition
- Attract ideal connections
- Recruiters or competitors reaching out to you
- Attract speaking or networking opportunities
- Attract ideal clients
- Shortened sales cycle and higher close ratio
- Scalable Growth
My Dream Job in 8 Weeks? Really?
No. There are no guarantee.
What is guaranteed however is this – you will learn how to get your dream job in the 21st century.
1) Eight interactive sessions – learn how to raise your profile, build a personal brand and become a thought leader by sharing your thoughts and insights every day.
2) Deep dive on tools and strategies –
3) Private Slack channels for the whole group – Ask questions, share wins and recommends resources in a lively ongoing conversation.
4) Weekly meetups for connections and community – Join your fellow brand builders from around the globe for weekly co-working sessions and meet-ups. Establish connections, make friends for life.
The course will offer tactical, actionable steps to making your ideas a reality. Along the way, you will be challenged to use immediately what you’re learning. Because leaders don’t learn, then start. We start then learn.
How it works
The Schedule (Sept 1 – Sept 30)
Week 0 – strategic action plan. Best content. How to measure success, intro to your cohort buddy. And all the tools we will be using (Slack, Zoom and email).
Implementation rhythm
Week 1 –
Week 2 –
Week 3 –
Week 4 –
At the end of the course, you will have 30 pieces of content published online. You have also entered into the writing rhythm of posting every day.
If you continue this rhythm, by the end of year 1, you will be [at here]. By year 2, you will be [here] and wondering what stopped you from starting in the first place.
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.
There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself that Providence moves, too.
Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Begin it now.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Stop overthinking.
Here is why most people struggle with their brand or their positioning as a thought leader in their industry…
- They are perfectionists
- They procrastinate
- They worry too much about others’ views
- They think they are not good enough or experienced enough
- They are easily distracted
- They struggle with generating ideas
- They struggle with self-confidence
- They haven’t developed a system or rhythm
- They struggle with imposter syndrome
- And so on…
The good news is, we created the Thought Leadership Website to address every single one of these issues.
In 30 days, you would have posted 30 writings. This should be the beginning of a great habit. If you continue this for 1 year, you should get to [abc]. Continue this for 2 years and you should have 1000s of followers reading and engaging with your posts every day, firmly positioning you as a t thought leader.
But you must begin. Now.
Not tomorrow. Not another day. Iit is really that simple
“Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Begin it now”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Building your brand should never be left to chance
There are 3 steps to it.
Rhythm – you must post something every day
Scorecard – your content must be engaging and thoughtful or insightful
Accountability – habits are hard to form – at least initially. That is why you need an accountability partner with shared goals. You will be cheering each other, sharing feedback and holding each other accountable for writing their piece every day.
Our group is global in reach and it is possible that you might make some friends for life.